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  1. Art Spiegelman, de nom de naixement Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev Spiegelman i nascut el 15 de febrer de 1948, és un dibuixant, editor i divulgador nord-americà de còmics, conegut sobretot per la seva obra Maus sobre els camps d'extermini nazis i les conseqüències a llarg termini que van provocar en els supervivents. Ha rebut diversos guardons per les seves novel·les gràfiques, com l'Inkpot ...

  2. Art Spiegelman deve la sua fama principalmente ad un'unica opera, Maus, un romanzo grafico (auto) biografico pubblicato tra il 1980 ed il 1991, dove si narra la storia del padre, Vladek Spiegelman, un ebreo polacco sopravvissuto alla Shoah. Maus usa la forma di fumetto allegorico (i nazisti e i tedeschi sono gatti, gli ebrei topi, gli americani cani, i polacchi maiali, i francesi rane, i russi ...

  3. Maus es la biografía de Vladek Spiegelman, un judío polaco superviviente de los campos de exterminio nazis, contada a traves de su hijo Art, un dibujante de cómics que quiere dejar memoria de la aterradora persecución que sufrieron millones de personas en la Europa sometida por Hitler y de las consecuencias de este sufrimiento en la vida ...

  4. 14 de dic. de 2020 · In 1977, Spiegelman met his would-be wife Françoise Mouly, an architecture student in the midst of moving to publishing. Mouly, now the art editor of The New Yorker, urged Spiegelman to co-found a literary comics magazine to spotlight the comics talent they were seeing around them.Spiegelman had done this before, in the early 70s, with a magazine titled Arcade – “It was a thankless task ...

  5. Art Spiegelman nació en 1948 en Estocolmo (Suecia). Tres años más tarde, el pequeño Art y sus padres, supervivientes de un campo de concentración nazi, se trasladan a Nueva York. En los 60 empieza a trabajar como ilustrador para la Topps Chewing Gum Co. en la serie GARBAGE PAILS KID y realiza historias underground de carácter autobi ...

  6. Art Spiegelman has almost single-handedly brought comic books out of the toy closet and onto the literature shelves. In 1992, he won the Pulitzer Prize for his masterful Holocaust narrative Maus— which portrayed Jews as mice and Nazis as cats. Maus II continued the remarkable story of his parents’ survival of the Nazi regime and their lives later in America.

  7. Art Spiegelman is a Jewish American cartoonist, editor and comics advocate. He is most famous for his graphic novel, Maus. Spiegelman was born Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev on February 15, 1948, in Stockholm. He He immigrated with his parents to the United States in 1951 and grew up in Rego Park, New York. He began cartooning in 1960 and imitated the ...

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