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  1. John McCarthy nasceu em Boston, Massachusetts, em 1927. Ele e sua família viveram a Grande Depressão na década de 1930. A perda de empregos fez com que eles se mudassem e eventualmente se mudassem para Los Angeles. Seu brilhantismo estava se tornando aparente, mas sua saúde prejudicava a escolaridade regular. Ele foi autodidata no início ...

  2. This website is dedicated to his contributions and the impact of his ideas. The casual vistor may gain the impression that John McCarthy was limited to the study of scientific advancement. However, to those who knew him John was so much more than a gifted scientist. He had the curiosity and playfulness of a child, and lived life to the fullest.

  3. John Shane McCarthy (19 November 1989 – 9 September 2012) was an Australian rules footballer who played for the Collingwood Football Club and Port Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Playing career.

  4. John McCarthy (1927-2011) was a giant in the field of artificial intelligence. Credited with coining the term “artificial intelligence,” he subsequently went on to define the discipline for more than five decades from his professorship at Stanford. McCarthy came to Stanford in 1953 as an assistant professor. He moved to Dartmouth and then ...

  5. Nació el 4 de septiembre de 1947, en Boston, Massachusetts Estados Unidos. Hijo de padre católico irlandés y madre judía lituana. A causa de la salud de John McCarthy, la familia se mudó a California en el año 1944. Fue educado a través del pensamiento lógico y además era muy aficionado a los libros. Trabajó como carpintero, pescador ...

  6. John McCarthy, né le 4 septembre 1927, à Boston ( Massachusetts) et mort le 24 octobre 2011 à Stanford ( Californie) 2, est le principal pionnier de l' intelligence artificielle avec Marvin Lee Minsky ; il incarne le courant mettant l'accent sur la logique symbolique . À la fin des années 1950, après un doctorat en mathématiques, il a ...

  7. 24 de oct. de 2011 · John McCarthy died on Monday at the age of 84, according to Stanford University, where he served on the faculty for almost four decades. In organizing the Dartmouth Summer Research Conference on ...

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