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  1. Pietro Pomponazzi (Pomponatius, Petrus) (* 16. september 1462, Mantova, Taliansko – † 18. máj 1525, Bologna) bol taliansky filozof, predstaviteľ renesančných alexandristov.. Nadväzoval na Aristotelovu filozofiu, ktorú sa snažil rozvíjať v materialistickom a antischolastickom duchu. Vyzdvihoval prvky senzualizmu v Aristotelovej filozofii. O duši tvrdil, že je formou tela a že je ...

  2. Biografie. Pietro Pomponazzi s-a născut la Mantua și și-a început educația acolo. Și-a terminat studiile la Padova, unde a devenit medic în 1487. În anul 1488 a fost ales profesor extraordinar de filosofie la Padova, fiind coleg cu Alessandro Achillini, adept al ideilor lui Averroes. Începând din 1495 până în 1509 a predat un curs de filosofie naturală până la închiderea ...

  3. Pietro Pomponazzi championed the latter school of thought, founding his speculation on the clear Avveroist distinction between faith and philosophy, the latter understood as the study of nature. In his De immortalitate animae , the philosopher interpreted the soul as a multiple entity, but united with and tied to the body’s fate, and so with and to the ephemeral natural of earthly life.

  4. Pietro Pomponazzi (Màntua, 16 de setembre de 1462 – Bolonya, 18 de maig de 1525) fou un filòsof italià.Estudià filosofia a Pàdua, on va ser professor fins al tancament de la Universitat, anant-se'n després a la Universitat de Bolonya, des del 1512 fins a la seva mort.Amb ell comença la traducció de l'aristotelisme intentant oblidar les traduccions medievals.

  5. Pomponazzi, Pietro. (1462-1525). Filósofo italiano. Nacido en Mantua, realizó estudios de medicina en Padua, donde fue profesor de filosofía general y de filosofía moral. En 1510 pasó a Ferrara y luego a Bolonia, ciudad ésta en la que fue nombrado profesor de filosofía ordinaria, y en la que murió. Pomponazzi defiende la autonomía de ...

  6. Pietro Pomponazzi (Mantua 1462–Bologna 1525) was undoubtedly one of the most important philosophers of his time. After receiving his doctorate in arts from the University of Padua in 1487, he spent most of his life there as well as in Bologna teaching natural philosophy and commenting the books of Aristotle with great success.

  7. POMPONAZZI, PIETRO(1462–1525) Pietro Pomponazzi, the Italian Renaissance Aristotelian, was born in Mantua. He studied philosophy at the University of Padua, where, after obtaining his degree, he became extraordinary professor of philosophy in 1488 and ordinary professor in 1495. Source for information on Pomponazzi, Pietro (1462–1525): Encyclopedia of Philosophy dictionary.