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  1. Gaveston’s undue prominence at the coronation aroused almost universal fury among the English nobility. ‘Now for the first time’, wrote the author of the Vita, ‘nearly all the earls and barons of England rose against Piers Gaveston.’ 1 This was a reference to the proceedings of the Lent parliament, which met at Westminster on 27 February 1308, two days after the coronation.

  2. Piers Gaveston (født ca. 1284, død 19. juni 1312) var en yndling (og muligens også elskeren) av kong Edvard II av England. Bakgrunn. Piers Gaveston var sønn til Sir Arnaul de Gabston, en gasconsk soldat i tjeneste hos kong Edvard I av England. Han kom til det ...

  3. 初代コーンウォール伯爵ピアーズ・ギャヴィストン(ギャヴェストン、英語: Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall 、1284年頃 - 1312年 6月19日)は、イングランドの廷臣、貴族。. エドワード2世の寵臣として権勢をふるったが、諸侯や議会の反発を招き、1312年には諸侯の私刑により殺害された。

  4. Gaveston in History. Arnaud de Gabaston, the father of Piers Gaveston, was a loyal subject of King Edward I, and Piers himself would begin his career in the same fashion, serving in campaigns to France and Scotland as early as 1297. By 1300, Gaveston became a member of the household of Prince Edward, the heir to the throne.

  5. Piers Gaveston nebo také Pierre Gabaston (asi 1284 – 19. června 1312) byl gaskoňský šlechtic, známý svým blízkým vztahem k anglickému králi Eduardovi II., jemuž byl přičítán homosexuální obsah.. Král Eduard I. vybral Gavestona za společníka svého nezletilého syna, budoucího krále Eduarda II. Oba mladíci však budili pohoršení svou zálibou v bujarých ...

  6. Piers Gaveston was a supporting character in FX's The Bastard Executioner. Piers was a trusted adviser for King Edward Longshanks II. Piers Gaveston is played by Tom Forbes, and debuts in A Hunger / Newyn. TBA TBA

  7. piersperrotgaveston.blogspot.comPiers Gaveston

    May 19th 1312 is the day Piers Gaveston, having returned from his third exile, to meet once again with Edward II at the beginning of the year and to his wife and their newly born daughter Joan, was delivered into the custody of Amyer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. Piers had gone to Scarborough Castle to prepare for a siege, but evidently wasn't ...