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  1. 11 de sept. de 2007 · This essay explores the artistry of the nineteenth-century Italian singer Giuditta Pasta within the broad context of an ‘artwork’ (Goehr) and ideas of ‘presence’ (Gumbrecht). Pasta was the acknowledged diva del mondo during the 1820s, famed not only for an extraordinary if flawed voice, but also for the physicality of her performance modes.

  2. Giuditta Pasta. (26 October 1797 — 1 April 1865) =. Alternative Names/Transliterations: Giuditta Angiola Maria Costanza Pasta. . Show works by type/instrument. External links. Detailed biography: Wikipedia. See also.

  3. Giuditta Pasta (Saronno, 26 October 1797 –Como, 1 April 1865) played the lead role on that difficult evening in 1831 that saw the premiere of the opera Norma by the Sicilian composer Vincenzo Bellini. The performance was a complete disaster due to illness on the part of the performer but also because of a group opposed to the composer, which influenced the audience’s reception.

  4. Teatro Giuditta Pasta, Saronno. 9,579 likes · 11 talking about this · 13,504 were here. Teatro fondato nel 1990, intitolato alla grande cantante lirica saronnese Giuditta Pasta “핀핝 Teatro Giuditta Pasta | Saronno

  5. Il Teatro Giuditta Pasta di Saronno è stato fondato nel 1990 per volontà dell’amministrazione comunale della città di Saronno. Nel 1988 il Comune decide di ristrutturare l’antica stazione di posta denominata “Casa Morandi” costruita nel 1590 come luogo di ristorazione dei pellegrini che si recavano in visita al Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli di Saronno.

  6. Giuditta María Costanza Pasta Saronnon ( Italia) jaio zen 1797ko apirilaren 9an. B. Lottirekin eta bere osaba F. Ferrantirekin pribatuan ikasi zuen eta gero Scapparekin Milanen ikasketa serioagoak jarraitu zituen. 1815 urterekin debuta egin zuen 1815ean Bresciako Filodrammatici antzokian bere irakasleak konposatutako "Le tre Eleonore" operan ...

  7. 19 de nov. de 2019 · "The Italian soprano Giuditta Pasta was born in Saronno in 1797 and studied with Giuseppe Scappa in Milan, where she made her debut in his opera Le Tre Eleonore in 1815. In Paris the following year she appeared as Clorina in Paer's Il Principe di Taranto , and in London in 1817 at the King's Theatre in the title role of Cimarosa's Penelope .