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  1. 19 de dic. de 2004 · S1 E2: When the vicar in Miss Marple's village declares in exasperation that anyone who murdered Colonel Prothero would be doing the world a service, he does not realise his words will come back to haunt him. The Colonel's death at the vicarage throws up a long list of potential murderers. The unpopular local resident made many enemies.

  2. Critics reviews. Faced with two false confessions and numerous suspects after a despised civil magistrate is found shot in the local vicarage, Detective Inspector Slack reluctantly accepts help from Miss Marple.

  3. “Mrs. Price Ridley, Miss Wetherby, Miss Hartnell, and that terrible Miss Marple.” “I rather like Miss Marple,” I said. “She has, at least, a sense of humour.” “She’s the worst cat in the village,” said Griselda. “And she always knows every single thing that happens—and draws the worst inferences from it.”

  4. The Murder at the Vicarage Ausgerechnet im Pfarrhaus von St. Mary Mead wird eine Leiche gefunden: Colonel Protheroe, der die Finanzen der Gemeinde überprüfen sollte, wurde erschossen. Gleich zwei Menschen gestehen, die Tat begangen zu haben, später folgt ein drittes Geständnis per Telefon.

  5. 12 de feb. de 2018 · St Mary Mead, the mid 1950s. No one likes Colonel Protheroe. In fact most people hate him, including his own family. But when he is found dead in the vicar's study, Miss Marple wonders why so many ...

  6. 25 de dic. de 1986 · 马普尔小姐个子高高,蓝色纯净的眼睛,粉红的脸颊,性情温和。. 她就住在牧师家隔壁,占尽了天时地利。. 老太太热衷园艺,修理花园的同时也把来来往往出入牧师家的人尽收眼底。. 村子里有点什么风吹草动的没有瞒得了马普尔小姐的;别人不知道的她也 ...

  7. 31 de dic. de 2005 · Murder at the Vicarage marks the debut of Agatha Christie’s unflappable and much beloved female detective, Miss Jane Marple. With her gift for sniffing out the malevolent side of human nature, Miss Marple is led on her first case to a crime scene at the local vicarage. Colonel Protheroe, the magistrate whom everyone in town hates, has been shot through the head.