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  1. 6 Fun Facts About Lesley Manville . If you don’t know about the many talents of Lesley Manville, we’ve got all the details on her award-winning career and fascinating life story.

  2. Lesley Manville (* 12. března 1956 Brighton) je anglická herečka. Její matka byla baletní tanečnicí a otec pracoval jako taxikář. Měla dvě sestry. Původně se věnovala zpěvu, jako teenager se stala herečkou.

  3. 18 de dic. de 2023 · English actor Lesley Manville spoke about portraying Princess Margaret in seasons 5 and 6 of "The Crown," and what it was like to film when the news about Queen Elizabeth II's death emerged.

  4. 14 de jul. de 2022 · Lesley Manville: Oh, it was definitely like that for me. And thank you for calling me chameleon, because that’s all I aim for. That is absolutely what keeps me interested in my work.

  5. Lesley Manville (Brighton, 12 de março de 1956) é uma atriz britânica, notavelmente conhecida pelo seu papel de Margarida, Condessa de Snowdon na sexta temporada de The Crown, e pelos filmes (2002) e Another Year (2010), pelos quais venceu o London Film Critics Circle, foi indicada ao Oscar de melhor atriz coadjuvante na edição ...

  6. Lesley Ann Manville 是一名的英国女演员,被英王室授予CBE勋章。她与导演迈克·李合作多次,在众多经典影片中塑造了令人难忘的角色,如《一无所有》《秘密与谎言》和《又一年》。2018年,她因饰演PTA《魅影缝匠》中不苟言笑复杂冷静的姐姐Cyril荣获了奥斯卡最佳女配角提名,2023年,因饰演喜剧 ...

  7. 18 de sept. de 2019 · Lesley Manville is currently working as one of the lead roles i.e., Susan Ryeland in mystery drama series i.e., Magpie Murders (2022– ). Magpie murders poster Here is a glimpse of Lesley Manville’s acting from the drama series [1]. She is also doing work in other movies/TV series as below: