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  1. 3 de sept. de 2021 · It’s a familiar feeling: Minute 59 of an hour-long television episode and the protagonist is about to face the villain—and the episode cuts to black, ending with “to be continued.” Known as a cliffhanger, this plot device marks the end of a section of a narrative with the express purpose of keeping audiences engaged in the story.

  2. Cliffhanger株式会社はAIやDXに関連するシステム開発とコンサルティングを軸として、量子コンピューティングやマテリアルズインフォマティクスなどの研究開発にも取り組む企業です。

  3. Le but du cliffhanger en littérature est de créer un fort sentiment d’attente chez le lecteur, afin de lui donner envie de connaître la suite de l’histoire. Il peut se situer à la fin d’un chapitre, d’une partie ou d’un livre (ce qui laisse alors présager une suite). Il est particulièrement prisé dans la littérature policière ...

  4. Tipologie di finale delle storie Parlando di cliffhanger non possiamo non affrontare anche il tema del finale delle storie. Così come dobbiamo ricordare quanto sia importante anche l’inizio di una storia: inizio e fine si devono parlare, essere in qualche modo legati tra loro per la buona riuscita di una narrazione.

  5. 16 de may. de 2021 · What’s happening in this Cliffhanger movie clip?Gabe throws the money into the chopper blades, and as Qualen struggles to regain control, Gabe attaches the c...

  6. A cliffhanger is when a story or plotline ends suddenly or a large plot twist occurs and is left unresolved. It is a device that is used to cause suspense, but most importantly, it leaves unanswered questions that make the reader or viewer want to come back to learn what will happen. The phrase comes from the idea of “hanging off a cliff ...

  7. 『クリフハンガー』(原題:Cliffhanger)は、1993年のアメリカ・フランス・日本合作映画。ロッキー山脈に不時着した武装 強盗団と山岳救助隊員の戦いを描いたサスペンス・アクション映画。レニー・ハーリン監督、シルヴェスター・スタローン主演。

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