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  1. Prof. George Philip Gip Wells (17 Jul 1901 - certain 27 Sep 1985)

  2. H. G. Wells was a British author who began his career as a novelist with a popular sequence of science fiction that remains the most familiar part of his work. He later wrote realistic novels and novels of ideas.

  3. LA CIENCIA DE LA VIDA. Tomo II (de2) by Huxley. Julián / H. G. Wells / G. P. Wells and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at

  4. P & G Wells. The shop itself has been based in Kingsgate for nearly 300 years. The Wells name, on the other hand, has been associated with the shop at 11 College Street for nearly 200 years, since 1834 when Joseph Wells started as an apprentice to the previous owner. Joseph managed the shop from 1845, going on to become sole owner from 1866 to ...

  5. G.P. Wells (R), Iagor Kazalikashvili (M) and a well-known botanist and . geneticist Nikolai Vavilov (L) in the mountains of the S.S.R. of Georgia, date unknown. George Philip Wells (1901 – 1985), son of the British science fiction author H. G. Wells, was a zoologist and author.

  6. Richard “III” and his son Richard Wells “IV” began to emerge. First, historical records seemed to support the fact that Richard Wells “IV” was separated from his parents before 1779. Additionally, his father Richard Wells “III” was away at sea or in prison as a P.O.W. almost continually from . Wells Family of Kentucky’s

  7. Herbert George Wells, plus connu sous le nom de plume H. G. Wells, est un écrivain britannique surtout connu pour ses romans de science-fiction, né le 21 septembre 1866 à Bromley dans le Kent (Royaume-Uni) et mort le 13 août 1946 à Londres.Il est également l'auteur de nombreux romans de satire sociale, d'œuvres de prospective, de réflexions politiques et sociales ainsi que d'ouvrages ...