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  1. École Jeannine Manuel - Paris Primaire - Collège - Lycée 70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris Tel : 01 44 37 00 80 Email : École Jeannine Manuel - Lille Primaire - Collège - Lycée - Internat 418bis rue Albert Bailly 59700 Marcq en Baroeul Tel : 03 20 65 90 50 Email :

  2. École Jeannine Manuel was the first school in France to establish a well-being program for its students. The school’s current wellbeing program for 4th-7th graders is based on the work of Ilona Boniwell, a leading figure in the field of positive psychology. 8th-graders are enrolled in the SPARC Resilience program, ...

  3. École Jeannine Manuel - Paris Primaire - Collège - Lycée 70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris Tel : 01 44 37 00 80 Email : École Jeannine Manuel - Lille Primaire - Collège - Lycée - Internat 418bis rue Albert Bailly 59700 Marcq en Baroeul Tel : 03 20 65 90 50 Email :

  4. École Jeannine Manuel - Paris Primaire - Collège - Lycée 70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris Tel : 01 44 37 00 80 Email : École Jeannine Manuel - Lille Primaire - Collège - Lycée - Internat 418bis rue Albert Bailly 59700 Marcq en Baroeul Tel : 03 20 65 90 50 Email :

  5. École Jeannine Manuel Paris, een geassocieerde UNESCO-school, verwelkomt ruim 2400 leerlingen van de kleuterschool tot de twaalfde klas, die bijna tachtig nationaliteiten en elke belangrijke culturele en religieuze traditie vertegenwoordigen.

  6. École Jeannine Manuel is a French, bilingual and international school founded in 1954 with the mission to promote international understanding through the bilingual education of a multicultural community of students. The school believes in pedagogical innovation and the constant exploration of best practices, in the context of an ever-changing ...