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  1. What does the digestive system do? The digestive system is a kind of processing plant inside the body. It pulls in food and pushes it through organs and structures where the processing happens. The fuels we need are extracted, and the digestive system discards the rest. What are the 6 processes of the digestive system?

  2. The digestive system breaks down food into tiny particles which are absorbed into the blood. These particles provide energy for the body to grow, repair itself and remain healthy. Food that cannot ...

  3. 14 de feb. de 2019 · The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. Inside this tube is a thin, soft membrane lining of epithelial tissue called the mucosa . In the mouth, stomach, and small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food.

  4. The earthworm’s digestive system is one of the most important system in the worm. The prostomium or mouth of an earthworm is made up of strong lips. The buccal cavity is made up of 2½ segments that is thin-walled and shaped like a pear. There are no jaws and teeth, and the earthworm sucks in the soil containing food with the muscular pharynx.

  5. Digestive System Once food is swallowed, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach, the pink organ shown here above the yellow pancreas. A large, muscular chamber, the stomach produces ...

  6. 24 de may. de 2024 · Symptoms. Common symptoms of GERD include: A burning sensation in the chest, often called heartburn. Heartburn usually happens after eating and might be worse at night or while lying down. Backwash of food or sour liquid in the throat. Upper belly or chest pain. Trouble swallowing, called dysphagia. Sensation of a lump in the throat.

  7. › courses › mcb32THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

    The chylomicrons are secreted into the lymphatic system. Large Intestine; large intestine is from the ileocecal valve to the anus; parts of the large intestine: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal; columnar epithelial cells, goblet cells, scattered lymphocytes, lympathic nodules; contains no villi