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  1. 8 de feb. de 2021 · Summary. Silverfish are small insects or bugs that can infest a home, destroy property, and trigger allergies. A person can try several natural and chemical methods to get rid of them before ...

  2. 10 de nov. de 2023 · Minimise humidity. The best way to get rid of them is to eliminate their preferred conditions - high humidity. ‘Silverfish can live for up to a year without food as long as they have access to a water source, so repair leaks and mop up standing pools of water,’ Dr. Jonathan advises.

  3. 9 de may. de 2024 · silverfish, (Lepisma saccharina), species of quick-moving, slender, flat, wingless insect having three tail bristles and silvery scales. Silverfish normally live indoors and are found worldwide. They often are considered pests because they eat materials containing high percentages of starch, such as paste, bookbindings, and wallpaper, potentially causing damage to books and fabrics.

  4. Geographic Range. Lepisma saccharina, commonly known as silverfish, are found worldwide, most frequently found in North America, Europe, China, Japan, and the Hawaiian Islands.They have been found worldwide for so long that their place of origin is unknown, but they are believed to have originated in a tropical region.

  5. 5 de ene. de 2024 · Silverfish eat a book back in 1944, when book glue was made with natural products. Fritz Goro/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images. "The common name 'silverfish' comes from the fact that they are gray to silver in color and wiggle as they run in a manner that looks like a fish swimming," says Webb. They shed their skins well into adult ...

  6. Silberfischchen in einer Klebefalle. Silberfischchen suchen ihre Nahrung im Dunkeln und bevorzugen stärkehaltige Stoffe oder Dextrin in Klebstoffen, wie sie etwa in Bucheinbänden enthalten sind, außerdem Zucker, Haare, Hautschuppen und Hausstaubmilben.Aber auch Baumwolle, Leinen, Seide, Schimmelpilze, Papier und Kunstfaser verschmähen sie nicht, ebenso wenig wie tote Insekten oder eigene ...

  7. Linnaeus, 1758. Lepisma saccharina (commonly called the fishmoth, urban silverfish or just the silverfish) is a small, wingless insect. Typically it is between half an inch and one inch (12–25 mm ). Its common name comes from the animal's silvery blue color, combined with the fish -like appearance of its movements.

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