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  1. The Eternals is a Marvel comic book series, originally created by Jack Kirby.Premiering in 1976, it was the story of the Eternals, a race of nigh-immortal humanoids created by the giant Celestials to defend humanity against the monstrous Deviants. The original series ran for 19 issues (and one annual) before being cancelled, leaving several plotlines unresolved.

  2. Phastos stands as a stalwart member of the Eternals, a lineage of genetically superior beings, blessed with extraordinary abilities created by the Celestials. Within the pantheon of Eternals, Phastos is distinguished as both a craftsman and a visionary, embodying the quintessential role of the blacksmith and weaponsmith among his kin. Possessing a formidable intellect that transcends mortal ...

  3. Ikaris is a member of the Eternals, a genetically superior offshoot race of humanity who possess abilities such as levitation and immortality. He is often seen as one of the most prominent Eternals, leading his race of people in many adventures. Ikaris lived for hundreds of centuries on Earth as humanity evolved and developed. Throughout this time, Ikaris had many adventures battling the ...

  4. The Eternals es una mezcla de las obsesiones teológicas de Jack Kirby y todas las pesquisas estéticas que el artista neoyorkino venía realizando desde varias décadas atrás, con especial mención de la Saga del Cuarto Mundo que Kirby realizó para DC Comics, pues bien sabido por los fans es que se trata de la mayor influencia para The Eternals. ...

  5. 11 de nov. de 2021 · Spoilers for Eternals.. Eternals introduced a vast array of characters and concepts to the MCU, drawing on the elaborate mythology created by legendary comic book writer and artist Jack Kirby.Kirby invented an entire mythos with the first issue of the Eternals comic in 1976, but there are major differences between the source material and the new movie.

  6. 16 de may. de 2019 · Los Eternos volumen 1 (Eternals) Los Eternos volumen 1 | El doctor Daniel Damian, su hija Margo y su asistente Ike Harris están descubriendo la Cámara de Dios. Harris revela que su verdadero nombre es Ikaris, explica a los damas que los dioses vinieron a la Tierra para crear a partir de un ancestro común tres especies de Hominidos: los ...

  7. 12 de dic. de 2021 · However, not all the Eternals in the comics reside there. For example, Kingo makes a home in Japan while Druig and a group of other Eternals live in a place called Polaria. Polaria is said to be situated in the far north – in the country that becomes Russia. The actual location isn't shown in the comics until 1991.