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  1. The Sistine Chapel, dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption, was originally known as the Cappella Magna, which dated to 1377. The chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who restored it between 1477 and 1480. The Pope entrusted the rennovation work to Giovanni de' Dolci and Baccio Pontelli . A first phase of decoration was carried out ...

  2. La Cappella Sistina è un capolavoro dell'arte e della fede. Ammira i suoi affreschi, le sue storie e i suoi misteri con il sito ufficiale del Vaticano. Visita virtuale disponibile.

  3. 西斯汀小堂 ( 拉丁語 : Sacellum Sixtinum ; 義大利語 : Cappella Sistina [kapˈpɛlla siˈstiːna] ;也稱為 西斯汀禮拜堂 )是一座位於 梵蒂岡 宗座宮殿 內的 天主教 小堂 ,緊鄰 聖伯多祿大殿 ,該禮拜堂最初被稱為大禮拜堂(Cappella Magna),得名於教皇 西克斯圖斯四世 ...

  4. La chapelle Sixtine (en italien, Cappella Sistina), appelée originellement chapelle de Sixte, est une des salles des palais pontificaux du Vatican et fait partie des Musées du Vatican.Remplaçant la chapelle Pauline, puis le palais du Quirinal, la chapelle Sixtine est le lieu où, traditionnellement depuis le XV e siècle, les cardinaux réunis en conclave élisent le nouveau pape, et ...

  5. The Last Judgement. If before the Last Judgement we are dazzled by splendour and fear, admiring on the one hand the glorified bodies and on the other those subjected to eternal damnation, we also understand that the entire vision is deeply permeated by one light and one artistic logic: the light and logic of the faith that the Church proclaims ...

  6. › en › collezioniCeiling - Musei Vaticani

    Michelangelo completed the first half of the Ceiling, that is from the entrance wall to the Creation of Eve, in August 1510. The work must have been completed by 31 October 1512, as the Pope celebrated Mass in the Chapel on 1 November. Julius II's decision to completely renovate the decoration of the Ceiling was probably due to the serious ...

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con cappella sistina

    la cappella sistina