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  1. Who is Harry Houdini? By Tyler Dilchand Harry Houdini Education and Motivation Harry Houdini's education was not so great and he had to motivate himself was to become to pursue his dreams to become a magician. Harry Married Bess Raymond and got married in two weeks! His father

  2. The Early Life of Houdini Harry Houdini was born March 24, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary with the name of Ehrich Weisz (Great). At 17, Ehrich, now known as Harry Houdini, left his family to pursue his magic career (Harry). Houdini's Interests Death of Houdini Whitehead abruptly

  3. 1 Harry Houdini: The Great Escapist Vol XCIII, No. 311 Interest In Magic Early Life 3 Commercial Success + Childhood In 1984 he renamed himself Harry Houdini after his childhood idol Robert Houdin Joined The Welsh Brothers Circus Drew attention with his ability to escape

  4. "Who Was Harry Houdini," by Tui T. Sutherland. Google works cited death He could escape from a straitjacket and handcuffs, and he was brave. He was an entertaining performer. People still cannot do the stunts that he did. He could make an elephant disappear. early life Who Was

  5. Blog. April 16, 2024. Understanding 30-60-90 sales plans and incorporating them into a presentation; April 13, 2024. How to create a great thesis defense presentation: everything you need to know

  6. Created By: Jack Latz Houdini By: Clinton Cox Thank You I hope you learned about someone new today Family Bess Houdini, wife - traveled and performed with Houdini on stage. Married for over 32 years. Cecilia Weiss, mother - Houdini loved her and always took care of her Mayer End

  7. HARRY HOUDINI! BY LUCAS NOEL! WHY I CHOSE MY TOPIC WHO IS HARRY HOUDINI HIS NAMES CHILDHOOD Harry Houdini was a famous escape artist. People thought he was one of the greatest. Many of his tricks are still used by today’s illusionists and escape artists. I chose Harry Houdini as