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  1. Incubus was the dark entity that overthrew the royal family of the Nightshade Dimension. ... DC Comics . Suicide Squad. 1987 - 1992 . 1 . DC Comics . Secret Origins. 1986 - 1990 \ Log In ×. Already have an account with the League of Comic Geeks? Let's get you back to ...

  2. Dr. June Moone, also known as the Enchantress, is the main antagonist of the 2016 superhero film Suicide Squad, the third installment of the DC Extended Universe . Along with her brother Incubus, Enchantress hails from another dimension, who was born in 4357 BCE and found her way to Earth, where the mystical siblings were worshiped as ...

  3. Incubus was the brother of Enchantress. To be added To be added Enchantress - Sister; deceased. Rick Flag - Enemy. Deadshot - Enemy. Harley Quinn - Enemy. Captain Boomerang - Enemy. Killer Croc - Enemy. El Diablo - Enemy; deceased. Katana - Enemy. DC Extended Universe (1 film) Suicide Squad (First appearance) - Alain Chanoine To be added To be added

  4. Incubus was an extremely powerful mystical being, and the brother of Enchantress. He aids her attempt to take over Earth with their combined mystical powers. And only the combined efforts of the Suicide Squad (most notably El Diablo) are able to stop and destroy Incubus. The Incubus was once known and worshiped as Kinich Ahau, the Sun God and Supreme God of an ancient civilization in Central ...

  5. 29 de ago. de 2016 · Averigualo en este blog. Este personaje existe en los comics de DC pero en realidad no es el hermano de Enchantress y se llama Incubus. Incubus o mas bien Lawrence Eden hizo su primera aparicion en el comic de Suicide Squad #14 creado por John Ostrander y Luke McDonnell. Y su ultima aparicion dentro de los comics de DC fue en el Suicide Squad ...

  6. Incubus ist ein magisches Wesen, das in der Vergangenheit aufgrund seiner Fähigkeiten als Gottheit angesehen wurde. Im Jahr 4358 v.Chr. kommen Incubus und seine Schwester Enchantress aus ihrer Dimension auf die Erde nach Südamerika. Dort wurden sie aufgrund ihrer Kräfte als Götter angesehen, bis es nach circa 2374 Jahren zu einem Putsch kommt, in dem die beiden von den Menschen ...

  7. The Incubus was an evil being who inhabited the extra-dimensional Land of the Nightshades. When the Incubus came to the Land of the Nightshades, its people—including Princess Magda Eden—were driven into exile.[1] The Incubus commanded a number of animal-like warriors, one of whom came upon a returned Eden, who had brought her children Eve and Larry to the Land of the Nightshades. Summoning ...