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  1. Southwestern strives to make a world-class education accessible to students from all backgrounds. Through merit scholarships and need-based financial aid, we are here to help you every step of the way in making an investment in your future. “Southwestern University helped me challenge myself, explore my found and unfound passions, and learn ...

  2. At MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, we’re committed to creating an environment of personalized care focused on the unique needs of our patients. Our physicians—many of them fellowship-trained—are nationally and internationally renowned for their expertise, as well as for their innovative approaches from diagnosis to treatments.

  3. A Place for All Faiths. One of the ways that we embody our Jesuit heritage is by making a home for all faith traditions. Whether you’re religious, nonreligious or searching for a spiritual home, we accompany you on your journey and help you lead a life of deeper meaning, belonging and purpose. Learn About Campus Ministry.

  4. Founded in 1789, Georgetown is the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit college. Overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington, DC, it is certainly easy to understand why Georgetown’s early students often referred to the University as The Hilltop. Please visit our website to learn more about our In-person and Virtual offerings.

  5. Comprehensive database of political information concerning all 35 independent nations of the Western Hemisphere. Base de datos con información política de los 35 países de la hemisferia del oeste. Base de données politiques concernant les 35 pays d'Amerique Latin, Canada et les Etats-Unis. Banco de Dados com informação pertinente aos 35 países de hemisfério ocidental.

  6. Founded in 1789 as the nation’s first Catholic institution of higher learning, Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences is committed to the Jesuit traditions of an integrated education and of productive research in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and fine arts. Discover Undergraduate Education in the Jesuit Tradition.

  7. Launched in 2013, the year the first Jesuit pope began his papacy, the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University has since held over 150 dialogues on a range of important topics, reaching a quarter of a million students, Georgetown and DC-area community members, and national and global participants both online and in-person.