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  1. The United States has invested in India’s development since President Harry Truman’s signed the India Emergency Food Assistance Act in 1951. USAID’s program has evolved progressively over the decades from emergency provision of food, to infrastructure development, capacity building of key Indian institutions, support for the opening of the Indian economy and more.

  2. USAID Funding. As a U.S. Government agency, USAID receives its funding from Congress. We work with both Congress and the Executive Office of the President to determine budget priorities. The majority of our funds are awarded competitively through contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements. All contracts that are available for bidding are at ...

  3. Nuestra programación de desarrollo tiene como objetivo promover el crecimiento económico de Guatemala, mejorar los servicios de educación y salud, y construir sistemas de justicia y gobernanza sólidos. Contamos con más de 40 actividades diferentes que benefician directamente a más de 2 millones de guatemaltecos e indirectamente a casi 8.5 millones.

  4. In support of America's foreign policy, the U.S. Agency for International Development leads the U.S. Government's international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance.

  5. En el marco del Objetivo de Desarrollo (OD) 1, la USAID se centrará en la reducción de la impunidad, que es un factor que favorece la delincuencia, la violencia, los abusos a los derechos humanos y la corrupción. Este OD representa una consolidación y focalización de los esfuerzos pasados en materia de justicia, derechos humanos ...

  6. When the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was created, it brought together several existing foreign assistance organizations and programs. Until then, there had never been a single agency charged with foreign economic development, so with the passage of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 by Congress, U.S. foreign assistance activities underwent a major transformation.

  7. For decades, USAID has partnered with Indonesia to develop Indonesia’s infrastructure, health systems, and economy. With an annual program budget of about $100 million, we carry out programs in democratic governance, anti-corruption, climate and the environment, economic growth, education, and health. We also respond to public health and ...

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