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  1. Kiev Governorateball (1708-64) Kiev Governorateball (1796-1923) Kiev Viceroyaltyball. Kiev Voivodeshipball. Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeriaball. Kingdom of Galicia–Volhyniaball. Kingdom of Georgiaball. Kingdom of Hungaryball (1000-1526) Kingdom of Pontusball.

  2. The number one source for Country Balls! Polandball, Irelandball, Ukraineball, RussiaBall, USABall, UKBall, Reichtangle, IsraelCube and more!

  3. Crimeaball is a republic of Russiaball disputed territoryball located in Eastern Europe, who is currently in Russiaball's non-existent hands after Russiaball took him from Ukraineball and annexed him (Even though he promised not to, when Ukraineball gave Russiaball all his nukes back so Russia is a liar).Crimeaball is making good relationships with countryballs around him, albeit a de facto ...

  4. Ukraineball (b. 2007) participated in Concours de la Chanson Classique fifteen times, debuting in Edition 2. Ukraineball first joined CDLCC on July 18th, 2021, just as Edition 2 was gaining steam. He originally wanted to claim the Soviet Union. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for him, it was taken by someone else, so he settled with Yugoslavia. After searching through Yugoslavian Eurovision ...

  5. Ukraineball is Ukraine but turned into a ball with all of Ukraine's stereotypes as its personality. It is known for speaking Russian even though it doesn't like it. It is also friendly and loves drinking.

  6. Ive designed this Ukraineball as a way to salute the Ukrainian soldiers and the volunteers fighting alongside them and also to show our support to Ukranien menbers of the 3D printing community. As my other countryball models the parts can be printed separately on a single head FDM printer with minimal supports ...

  7. Nyet. Free Territoryball, Black Armyball or officially known as Makhnoviaball was an attempt to form a stateless anarchist society in southern Ukraine during the Russian civil war. The defenders of this revolt was the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine lead and advised by Nestor Makhno. It existed from 1918 to 1921.