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  1. Surgical scarring at the puncture site: The paracentesis site should be moved away from any area of scarring. Surgical scars can cause adherence of the bowel to the abdominal wall, increasing the risk of bowel perforation during paracentesis. Large intra-abdominal mass, ...

  2. 4 de ene. de 2021 · -centesis . surgical puncture. amniocentesis (surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to remove fluid for laboratory analysis; an obstetrical procedure)-clasis . crushing or breaking up. osteoclasis (intentional surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity)-desis. binding or surgical fusion. arthrodesis (fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces)

  3. 1 de jul. de 2021 · A surgical registration method based on the abdominal point cloud acquired by the structured light vision system was also proposed for abdominal puncture navigation [15].

  4. 21 de nov. de 2023 · Some examples of medical procedure suffixes include -centesis (surgical puncture to remove fluid), -pexy (suspension), and -trispy (crushing, for instance, lithotripsy involves crushing of kidney ...

  5. 6 de dic. de 2022 · surgical tool and patient, the OTS tracks their positions and orien- tations in real time. 8 With the following steps, the RPS can advance the puncture needle to the planned target accurately.

  6. Suffixes. Suffixes are word parts that are located at the end of words. Suffixes can alter the meaning of medical terms. It is important to spell and pronounce suffixes correctly. Suffixes in medical terms are common to English language suffixes. Suffixes are not always explicitly stated in the definition of a word.

  7. amniocentesis (am-nē-ō-sen-TĒ-sĭs): Surgical puncture to remove a small amount of amniotic fluid through a needle via the abdomen. The fluid is tested for any potential fetal abnormalities. amniochorial (am-nē-ō-KŌ-rē-ăl): Pertaining to the amnion and chorion. amnionitis (am-nē-ō-NĪ-tis): Inflammation of the amnion.