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  1. Comunitatea Națiunilor, numit în mod uzual și Commonwealth și cunoscut inițial sub numele de British Commonwealth, este o organizație interguvernamentală a 53 de state membre independente. Exceptând Rwanda și Mozambic, toate aceste țări au făcut parte inițial din Imperiul Britanic, din care acesta din urmă s-a format.. Nici un guvern al Commonwealthului (britanic sau din altă ...

  2. The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations which support each other and work together towards international goals. With their common heritage in language, culture, law, education and democratic traditions, among other things, Commonwealth countries are able to work together in an atmosphere of greater trust and understanding than generally prevails among nations.

  3. › wiki › CommonwealthCommonwealth - Wikipedia

    Commonwealth. A commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. The noun "commonwealth", meaning "public welfare, general good or advantage", dates from the 15th century. [1] Originally a phrase (the common-wealth or the common wealth – echoed in the modern synonym "public wealth"), it comes ...

  4. 元々は 1926年 の帝国会議での バルフォア宣言 によって イギリス連邦 [8] ( British Commonwealth of Nations )として設立され、 1931年 には ウェストミンスター憲章 でイギリスによって正式に制定された。. 現在のコモンウェルスは 1949年 の ロンドン宣言 ( 英語版 ...

  5. Gemenebest van Naties. Het Gemenebest van Naties ( Engels: Commonwealth of Nations ), voorheen het Brits Gemenebest, is een vrijwillig samenwerkingsverband van 56 onafhankelijke soevereine staten, met de Britse koning Charles III als symbolisch hoofd. De staten die lid zijn van het Gemenebest worden zelf aangeduid als gemenebestland of ...

  6. Since 1883, we have delivered The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, the world's oldest international schools' writing competition. Today, we work to expand its reach, providing life-changing opportunities for young people around the world.

  7. › item › 英联邦英联邦_百度百科

    英联邦(Commonwealth of Nations)是一个国际组织,由56个独立主权国家(包括附属国)所组成,成员大多为前英国殖民地或者保护国,现任英联邦元首查尔斯·菲利普·亚瑟·乔治·蒙巴顿-温莎国王则身兼包括英国在内的15个英联邦王国的国家元首,此15国构成了一个现代版的共主邦联。

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