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  1. 15 de dic. de 2022 · Cristóbal Colón (1451 -1506) fue un explorador, navegante, comerciante y cartógrafo, famoso por haber descubierto América, una tierra desconocida entonces por Europa Occidental y el resto del mundo antiguo.

  2. 8 de jun. de 2024 · His name in Italian is Cristoforo Colombo, and in Spanish Cristóbal Colón. Columbus wrote that he first went to sea when he was 14 years old. In 1470, the Colombo family moved to Savona, where Domenico took over a tavern. In 1477, Columbus married Felipa Moniz Perestrelo. She was from a semi-noble family with connections to sailing.

  3. Cristóbal Colón (Cristóforo Colombo; Génova?, 1451 - Valladolid, 1506) Descubridor de América. El origen de este navegante, probablemente italiano, está envuelto en el misterio por obra de él mismo y de su primer biógrafo, su hijo Hernando Colón.Parece ser que Cristóbal Colón empezó como artesano y comerciante modesto y que tomó contacto con el mar a través de la navegación de ...

  4. Cristóbal Colón. Colón, Cristóbal. Génova (Italia), 1451 – Valladolid, 20.V.1506. Descubridor del Nuevo Mundo en 1492, primer almirante, virrey y gobernador de las Indias. La historia de Colón ha sido contemplada no como la de un simple mortal, sino como la de un mitológico semidiós capaz de gestas extraordinarias.

  5. Christopher Columbus, or Cristóbal Colón in Spanish, is an amazingly difficult man to pin down. Born about 1451, he died on 20 May 1506. We know that he sailed the Atlantic and reached the Americas on October 12, 1492 under the sponsorship of the Spanish kingdom of Castile. We can explore his life in two sections Birth to 1492 and then from ...

  6. 30 de may. de 2019 · He died in Valladolid in May of 1506, and he was at first buried there. But Columbus was, then as now, a powerful figure, and the question soon arose as to what to do with his remains. He had expressed a desire to be buried in the New World, but in 1506 there were no buildings there impressive enough to house such lofty remains.

  7. Cristobal Colon synonyms, Cristobal Colon pronunciation, Cristobal Colon translation, English dictionary definition of Cristobal Colon. Noun 1. Cristobal Colon - Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China Christopher Columbus,...