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  1. Yeshua was a figure described in the Bible. The Tanakh, the Bible of the Jewish people, also known at the Old Testament, is full of proof and promise about a Savior who would come from the line of King David and redeem people from their sin and brokenness. Yeshua perfectly fulfilled over 324 prophecies about the coming Messiah in the Tanakh.

  2. 5 de dic. de 2022 · Quiero Conocer A Jesús (Yeshua)Mi orgullo me saco del jardínsu humildad puso el jardín en mísi vendiera todo lo que tengoa cambio de su amor, yo fallaría//po...

  3. YESHUA "To Rescue", "To Deliver"."For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son"....Because He gave, we are saved and can boldly come unto th...

  4. Yeshua é um termo de raiz hebraica que significa “salvar” ou "salvação". É considerado por alguns estudiosos como o nome original de Jesus Cristo escrito em hebraico. Porém, é um tema em discussão, visto que a língua falada na terra onde Jesus habitava era o aramaico. Alguns religiosos consideram que usar o nome original "Yeshua" para se referir a Jesus seria o correto.

  5. 17 de nov. de 2023 · Wikimedia Commons Over many centuries, Jesus’ real name evolved from the Hebrew Yeshua to the Greek Iesous to the Latin Iesus and finally to the form we know today. While millions around the world believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, he was also a man who once walked the deserts of Judea in the first century C.E.

  6. Imágenes de la grabación de "Yeshua: Quiero Conocer a Jesús" en Valenzo Studios, CDMX.Escucha la canción completa:

  7. -----💙 Aujourd'hui, EMCI a besoin de 20 000 partenaires mensuels qui porteront la vision d'EMCI et qui l'amèneront plus loin ! Rejoignez les 20 000 parte...

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