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  1. The Quarrymen (czasami pisane rozdzielnie jako Quarry Men) – zespół założony w 1956 przez Johna Lennona w Liverpoolu, początkowo grający muzykę skifflową, a następnie rock and rolla.. Historia zespołu. W 1956 Lennon zawiązał zespół wraz ze swoim szkolnym kolegą, Pete’em Shottonem, który grał na tarze.Nazwa zespołu pochodziła od nazwy Quarry Bank Grammar School ...

  2. 30 de mar. de 2017 · John Lennon insisted on Shotton’s participation as a member of his first band, The Quarrymen skiffle group. Pete was assigned the washboard. It wasn’t so much Shotton’s musical ability (which was lacking) but more having the support of his friend in the band. In fact, without Pete, John may have never pursued starting the group.

  3. Shotton and Davis both left the Quarrymen in August, feeling that the group was moving away from skiffle and towards rock, leaving their instruments superfluous. When McCartney returned from holiday, he began rehearsing with the Quarrymen, playing songs such as “Bye Bye Love” (The Everly Brothers) and “ All Shook Up “, which Lennon and the group had been trying to learn, without success.

  4. The Quarrymen. Founded by John Lennon at the Quarry Bank School in Liverpool in the middle of 1957, the band was first known as the Black Jacks for the span of a week or so. The cast of members varied over the next three years, with Paul McCartney joining in July 1957, and George Harrison joining in February 1958.

  5. 25 de mar. de 2017 · The Liverpool Echo has reported the death of Pete Shotton at age 75. Shotton attended Dovedale Infants School and Quarry Bank Grammar School with John Lennon and was an original member of the Quarrymen, playing washboard. He fell out of the band once Paul McCartney came on board and group transitioned from skiffle to rock'n'roll.

  6. 7 de abr. de 2008 · This page contains information on the key line-ups in The Beatles' history. Some of the dates are, by necessity, approximate. Additionally, some names which were only used for a very brief time – often a matter of days – have been excluded. These included The Silver Beatals, The Silver Beats, and Long John and the...

  7. Nigel Walley (1956 – 1958) Paul McCartney (1957 – 1960) Peter Shotton (1956 – 2000) Stuart Sutcliffe (1960 – 1960) The Quarrymen, auch The Quarry Men, ist eine englische Band, die von dem späteren The Beatles -Mitglied John Lennon und vier Schulfreunden 1956 gegründet wurde. Neben Lennon beteiligten sich mit Paul McCartney und George ...