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  1. Speaker: Alex CallinicosJuly 2022East London 2,500 people gathered in east London in July 2022 for three d...

  2. First published in International Socialism 2 : 20, Summer 1983, pp. 82–119. Transcribed by Christian Høgsbjerg. Marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL). A FUNDAMENTAL feature of Marxism is an understanding of politics in the light of the class struggle. Marx and Engels wrote in 1879: For almost ...

  3. In this new work from the prolific pen of Alex Callinicos (he has since published another book), the renewal of debates around the concept of imperialism is critically reviewed and a distinctive position developed. Callinicos makes a spirited defence of classical Marxist theories of imperialism and their continued relevance in the current era.

  4. CALLINICOS, ALEX. Formado en la Universidad de Oxford y en la London School of Economics, Alex Callinicos (Zimbabwe, 1950) es profesor de Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de York desde 1981. Miembro del consejo editorial de International Socialism y corresponsal británico de Actuel Marx, ha colaborado en el Dictionnaire Marx Contemporain ...

  5. Superpower imperialism, 1945–1990 – the period in which the world was partitioned politically between two militarily competing superpower blocs. Imperialism after the Cold War – Bush’s ‘new world order’, in fact a more unstable version of the old. All such periodisations involve a degree of arbitrariness.

  6. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Alex Callinicos (né le 24 juillet 1950) est un intellectuel marxiste et militant trotskiste britannique . Biographie [modifier | modifier le code] Il est né le 24 juillet 1950 en Rhodésie du Sud (actuel Zimbabwe). Diplômé de l’université d’ Oxford , il est aujourd’hui professeur (European Studies) au King's College de Londres . Il a ...

  7. Alex Callinicos has, over the years, developed a distinctive argument about the nature of the sociological abstractions deployed by Marx in Capital and about the method of applying them to historical events and processes (Callinicos 2001; 2005).