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  1. Margaret Sanger (1928) Die Birth Control Review wurde als eugenisches Propaganda-Instrument von 1917 bis 1929 von Sanger herausgegeben. Margaret Higgins Sanger (geboren 14.September 1879 in Corning, New York; gestorben 6. September 1966 in Tucson, Arizona) war eine US-amerikanische Krankenschwester und Frauenrechtlerin.Sie war eine Aktivistin der Bewegung für Geburtenkontrolle und ...

  2. Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger gained worldwide renown for founding the American birth control movement and, later, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Her work helped begin the movement for reproductive rights, the invention of the birth control pill, and brought about the reversal of federal and state “Comstock laws” that

  3. Margaret Sanger cambió el mundo, para siempre y para mejor. Margaret Sanger luchó durante toda su vida para ayudar a que las mujeres del Siglo XX obtuvieran el derecho a decidir cuándo tener un hijo o no tenerlo — un derecho suprimido en todo el mundo durante por lo menos 5,000 años (Boulding, 1992). Anticipando el cambio más reciente de ...

  4. 4 de feb. de 2023 · Margaret Sanger dedicou grande parte da vida a dar às mulheres uma pílula anticoncepcional simples e segura. Mas sua reputação foi prejudicada por sua associação com a eugenia.

  5. Margaret Sanger (September 14, 1879-September 6, 1966) risked scandal, danger, and imprisonment to challenge the legal and cultural obstacles that made controlling fertility difficult and illegal. Margaret Louise Higgins was born in Corning, New York, the sixth of 11 children. Her free-thinking father's politics might have ignited her activism ...

  6. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project is a historical editing project initially sponsored by the Department of History and then by the Division of Libraries at New York University.The Project was formed by Dr. Esther Katz in 1985 to locate, arrange, edit, research, and publish the papers of the noted birth control pioneer.. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project has published a two-series microfilm ...

  7. 15 de dic. de 2022 · Margaret Sanger (1879 -1966) fue una activista americana, escritora y educadora estadounidense. También era enfermera y fue conocida por ser promotora del control de natalidad, término que ella misma se encargó de popularizar en inglés (birth control).

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