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  1. Molière – Biografía y obras destacadas. Molière, cuyo verdadero nombre era Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, es uno de los dramaturgos y actores franceses más destacados de todos los tiempos.Nacido el 15 de enero de 1622 en París, Molière revolucionó la comedia francesa del siglo XVII y dejó un legado literario que se mantiene vigente hasta hoy.

  2. Molière học ở Jesuit Clermont College (nay là Lycée Louis-le-Grand), là nơi học sinh phần nhiều học bằng tiếng Latin. Sự nghiệp. Cũng vào mùa thu năm đó, sau khi ra tù, Molière cùng với một số người còn lại đi về biểu diễn ở tỉnh lẻ ở nước Pháp suốt 13 năm.

  3. 14 de ene. de 2022 · Molière died from pulmonary tuberculosis on 17 February 1673, shortly after a performance of his play, 'The Imaginary Invalid'. Though many corners of Molière's contemporary society criticised ...

  4. Molière byl kvůli tomu uvězněn, ale dluhy byly brzo splaceny, byť historikové dodnes nevědí, kdo je uhradil. Přes 10 let s divadelním spolkem kočoval po celé zemi. Hrál v různých společnostech a nakonec založil svou vlastní, která získala patronát Filipa I. Orléanského.

  5. Monte sur les planches avec la troupe de l’Illustre-Théâtre avec Quelle Histoire ! Fais l’expérience de la vie mouvementée et découvre les pièces satiriques ...

  6. Molière - French Genius, Comedic Master, Playwright: After the French were roundly defeated in the Franco-German War (1870–71), they looked to strengthen two cultural institutions that, they believed, were the sources of their weakness: the army and the school system. The latter was of the utmost importance, since it involved all the strata of society, present and future.

  7. 14 de ene. de 2022 · Molière, el azote de la hipocresía que reinaba en la alta sociedad y la burguesía del siglo XVII, a la que ridiculizó en obras como El avaro, El misántropo o El burgués gentilhombre, nació ...

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