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  1. Origen, Descripción, Cultivo, Cuidados, Propiedades. Los beneficios para la salud de la hoja de Lantana incluyen ser un tratamiento calmante natural. Los usos medicinales tradicionales de la hoja de lantana incluyen ser golpeado y colocado sobre la piel para calmar la irritación. También se pueden agregar a un baño tibio.

  2. Lantana camara is a heavily branched shrub that can grow in compact clumps, dense thickets or as a climbing vine. The stems are square in cross section, with small, recurved prickles. Most leaves are about 6 cm long and are covered in fine hairs. They are bright green above, paler beneath and have round-toothed edges.

  3. › wiki › LantanaLantana - Wikipedia

    Lantana (L., 1753) è un genere di piante appartenente alla famiglia delle Verbenaceae. Descrizione. Comprende specie sia erbacee sia arbustive. Distribuzione e habitat. Il genere è nativo delle regioni tropicali di America e Africa. In territorio italiano è utilizzata come ...

  4. 13 de nov. de 2023 · Dig a hole about the same width and depth as the planting container. Remove the plant and loosen the roots a bit from the root ball before placing in the hole. Backfill with soil and tamp lightly. Space lantana plants about 12 inches apart. You won't see any growth until the weather and soil have warmed.

  5. How to Care for Lantana. Here are some tips for caring for lantana: Watering: Lantana is drought-tolerant, but it still needs to be watered regularly until it establishes.After that, water it only during prolonged dry periods. Fertilizing: Lantanas generally do not require frequent fertilization.However, if you want to promote healthy growth and blooming, you can apply a slow-release, balanced ...

  6. Lantana was first declared noxious around 1920 and by the 1950s it had spread over more than 1600 kilometres of the eastern Australian coastline. In 2006, the invasion, establishment and spread of lantana was listed as a key threatening process by the NSW Scientific Committee. It thrives in warm environments with high rainfall where the weed ...

  7. › wiki › ランタナランタナ - Wikipedia

    ランタナ(Lantana; 学名:Lantana camara)はクマツヅラ科の常緑小低木。 中南米が原産。観賞用に栽培される。和名はシチヘンゲ(七変化)。鮮やかな色の花をつけ、その色が次第に変化することに由来する。 学問上はランタナと言った場合、ランタナ属(シチヘンゲ属)全体を指す。

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