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  1. 英国皇家音乐学院联合委员会(ABRSM)成立于公元1889年,由英皇爱德华七世成立, 英女皇 赞助,总裁为威尔斯太子---查理王子。 委员会成员包括英国四所音乐院校: 伦敦大学皇家音乐学院 (Royal Academy of Music)、 皇家音乐学院 (Royal College of Music)、 皇家北方音乐学院 (Royal Northern College of Music ...

  2. › en-gb › instrumentsViolin - ABRSM

    Violin – Practical Grades. Practical Grades are face-to-face exams that focus on all-round musical knowledge and skills, including performance. In the exam you play three pieces and some scales and arpeggios, and take sight-reading and aural tests. Violinists can take Practical Grades at Initial Grade and Grades 1 to 8.

  3. › en › our-examsPiano - ABRSM

    Piano – Practical Grades. Practical Grades are face-to-face exams that focus on all-round musical knowledge and skills, including performance. In the exam you perform three pieces, play scales and arpeggios and take sight-reading and aural tests. Pianists can take Practical Grades at Initial Grade and Grades 1 to 8.

  4. › en-gb › our-reinvestment-in-music-educationRoyal Schools - ABRSM

    Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is an international centre of performing arts learning, teaching and research which is ranked consistently in the top 10 of the QS World Rankings for performing arts education. ABRSM's donations support vital scholarship opportunities for young artists and creative producers.

  5. Developing an understanding and knowledge of music theory helps musicians at all levels to perform with sensitivity, awareness and control. Our Music Theory exams are open to learners of any age. You can start with any grade and skip grades if you want to. If you're taking a Practical or Performance Grade 6, 7 or 8, you must pass Grade 5 or ...

  6. 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會(英語: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music ,ABRSM)簡稱皇家音委,在中國大陸簡稱英皇,是一個安排音樂 測驗的組織,總部位於倫敦。 能夠在世界各地提供測驗,除了教學文憑需要提供年滿18歲的證明 之外,任何年齡的人都可以參加考試。

  7. Introducing our syllabuses. From this this page you can to start to explore our music exams and assessments. Use our instrument and subject finder to discover the exams we offer along with qualification specifications and syllabuses. Further down the page you'll find more information about our syllabuses including updates, overlap periods ...