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  1. A continuación, Fritz Pfeffer es llevado también a la sala. Los escondidos deben entregar sus objetos de valor. Silberbauer recoge el maletín de Otto, donde estaban los papeles del diario de Ana y lo sacude hasta vaciarlo, para guardar ahí los objetos de valor. Los papeles del diario de Ana caen al piso. Los escondidos deben prepararse para ...

  2. Fritz Pfeffer was a dentist in Berlin. He was engaged to Charlotte Kaletta, who was a Roman Catholic. He could not marry her, because the German racial laws prohibited marriages between Jews and non-Jews. In November 1938, Jews were assaulted and arrested throughout Germany during the so-called Kristallnacht.

  3. Fritz Pfeffer. Friedrich "Fritz" Pfeffer (30 April 1889 – 20 Desember 1944) adalah seorang dokter gigi Jerman dan pengungsi Yahudi yang bersembunyi bersama dengan Anne Frank saat Nazi menduduki Belanda, dan kemudian dimasukkan ke kamp konsentrasi Neuengamme di Utara Jerman. Pfeffer diberi pseudonim Albert Dussel dalam buku harian Anne, dan ...

  4. 15 de dic. de 2008 · Fritz Pfeffer was born on April 30 1889 in Giessen, Germany. He was given the rather unflattering name Albert Dussel by Anne, which translates as 'idiot.' Before the Secret Annex

  5. Fritz Pfeffer's son, Werner, described his father as very religious, but not orthodox. He did follow the Sabbath rules and had a mezuzah on the door. In her diary, Anne Frank makes no allusion to religiosity in Fritz Pfeffer. In her narrative Sunday, she writes that Pfeffer prayed for 15 minutes every Sunday.

  6. Fritz Pfeffer's Amsterdam circle of acquaintances were unaware that - due to the Nuremberg laws - he was not officially married to Charlotte Kaletta. As a result, his status was not that of a mixed married person, but of an unmarried Volljude.He was therefore also forced to go into hiding.

  7. Posteriormente se les unieron otros cuatro judíos: Hermann, Auguste y Peter van Pels, así como Fritz Pfeffer. Durante dos años, vivieron todos en un departamento secreto en la calle Prinsengracht 263. El departamento se encontraba detrás de las oficinas comerciales donde Otto Frank había trabajado como director de una empresa.