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  1. Use-Cases. LongShot provides some of the most comprehensive list of features, which offer lots of use-cases. You can use these features to generate high-quality content for your audience Explore case studies on how LongShot AI is empowering enterprises.

  2. El Proyecto Longshot es un diseño de una nave espacial interestelar no-tripulada prevista para viajar a la estrella Alfa Centauri impulsada por propulsión nuclear de pulso. Desarrollado por la Academia Naval de Estados Unidos y la NASA , Longshot fue proyectado para ser construido en la Estación Espacial Alfa , precursora mucho más grande de la actual Estación Espacial Internacional .

  3. O Mojoverso é uma distópica realidade das criaturas conhecidas como Sem-Espinhas, liderada pelo ditador Mojo. O geneticista Arize criava escravos para servir Mojo. Um deles era Longshot, que projetou secretamente de modo que tivesse a pureza e o espirito livre pra um dia poder lutar contra a tirania de Mojo. Além disso, utilizou os códigos genéticos de um viajante do tempo chamado ...

  4. 26 de dic. de 2018 · エリン. “long shot” は「望みの薄いこと」「可能性は0ではないけど、あまり期待できないこと」に対して使う表現 だね。. 字のごとく、 遠くにあるターゲットを銃や弓矢なんかで命中させるときを想像するとわかりやすい と思うよ。. long shot. something you try ...

  5. Fred Flarsky is a gifted and free-spirited journalist who has a knack for getting into trouble. Charlotte Field is one of the most influential women in the world -- a smart, sophisticated and accomplished politician. When Fred unexpectedly runs into Charlotte, he soon realizes that she was his former baby sitter and childhood crush. When Charlotte decides to make a run for the presidency, she ...

  6. It’s a great performance. Returning to the aforementioned Roxette scene again, she has a beat at the end of it that cuts through everything that one could say is wrong with this movie by just being deeply human. “Long Shot” could have been tightened in several places and the party goes a little too long, but it’s easy to see Levine and ...

  7. At LONGSHOT, our goal is to treat you as we imagine Christ might treat you. It's that reason that drives us to make the best target cameras available and to provide the best customer service that we can.

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