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  1. In such works as Less Than Zero and American Psycho Brett Easton Ellis brilliantly dissects contemporary American society, a culture in which too much is nev...

  2. 座头市二段斩. 胜新太郎 三木纪平 坪内美纪子. 3.0 正片. 《线人The Informers》讲述的是:改編自「美國殺人魔」作家同名暢銷小說。. 描述1980年代洛杉磯一群人紙醉金迷的放蕩生活,無論是金字塔頂端的好萊塢富商、搖滾巨星、以及資深記者,.

  3. 线人The Informers. 导演:格雷格·乔丹. 主演:乔恩·福斯特,奥斯汀·尼可斯,安柏·赫德,卢·泰勒·普奇,Fernando Consagra,亚伦·希梅尔斯坦,梅尔·拉多,瑞斯·伊凡斯,Germán Tripel,比利·鲍伯·松顿,金·贝辛格,薇诺娜·瑞德,布拉德·兰弗洛,苏姗妮·福特,卡梅隆·古德曼,米基· ...

  4. Sinopsis de The Informers. Adaptación de la novela de Bret Easton Ellis que cuenta la historia de unos chicos que sonn jóvenes y atractivos, les sobra el dinero y no tienen mucho que hacer, salvo conducir coches de marca, tomar copas en los clubs de moda e ingerir toda clase de píldoras estimulantes o alucinógenas. Viven rodeados de lujos ...

  5. A multi-strand narrative set in early 1980s Los Angeles, centered on an array of characters who represent both the top of the heap (a Hollywood dream merchant, a dissolute rock star, an aging newscaster) and the bottom (a voyeuristic doorman, an amoral ex-con). Connecting the intertwining strands are a group of beautiful, blonde young men and women who sleep all day and party all night, doing ...

  6. 97影院为您提供线人The Informers免费全集在线观看,线人The Informers完整版,详情介绍主演由乔恩·福斯特,奥斯汀·尼可斯,安柏·赫德,卢·泰勒·普奇,Fernando,Consagra,亚伦·希梅尔斯坦,梅尔·拉多,瑞斯·伊凡斯,Germán,Tripel,比利·鲍伯·松顿,金·贝辛格,薇诺娜·瑞德,布拉德· ...

  7. The Informers. A multi-strand narrative set in early 1980s Los Angeles, centered on an array of characters who represent both the top of the heap (a Hollywood dream merchant, a dissolute rock star, an aging newscaster) and the bottom (a voyeuristic doorman, an amoral ex-con). Connecting the intertwining strands are a group of beautiful, blonde ...