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  1. ③美国人 an American ( 单数 ) →Americans ( 复数 )阿拉伯人 an Arab ( 单数 ) →Arabs ( 复数 )埃及人 an Egyptian ( 单数 ) →Egyptians ( 复数 )德国人 a German ( 单数 ) →Germans ( 复数 )澳大利亚人 an Australian ( 单数 ) →Australians ( 复数 )

  2. Co-starring Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys, “The Americans'' is a period drama about the complex marriage of two KGB spies posing as Americans in suburban Washington, D.C., during the Reagan administration. The arranged marriage of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings grows more passionate and genuine by the day, but as the pressures and demands of the jo

  3. The Americans ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, die von FX in den USA erstmals vom 30. Januar 2013 bis zum 30. Mai 2018 in sechs Staffeln ausgestrahlt wurde. Die Serie spielt zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges in den frühen 1980er Jahren und erzählt die Geschichte zweier sowjetischer KGB-Spione, des Ehepaares Elizabeth und Philip Jennings, die mit ihren ahnungslosen Kindern in einem Vorort ...

  4. Many Americans perceive social tension as the product of their society’s failure to extend the traditional dream of equality of opportunity to all people. Ideally, social, political, economic, and religious freedom would assure the like treatment of everyone, so that all could achieve goals in accord with their individual talents, if only they worked hard enough.

  5. The Americans is an American television series, created by Joe Weisberg, a former CIA officer turned screenwriter, which premiered on January 30, 2013, on the FX network. It is a 1980s Cold War drama about a group of Soviet KGB officers who have been trained to impersonate American citizens, so that each one can become a sleeper agent, with a cover which may even include an unwitting spouse ...

  6. Formas de pagamento: cartões de crédito Visa, Mastercard, Elo, American Express, Aura, Diners Club, Hipercard; boleto bancário; Ame Digital; Pix. regra de preço: Os preços dos produtos apresentados na loja não consideram ICMS-ST para revenda ou DIFAL para consumo.Os cálculos tributários são feitos na tela de pagamento da compra, podendo alterar o valor final do pedido de acordo com os ...


    Americanas é a maior loja da internet com os menores preços do mercado. No site ou no app, você encontra milhares de produtos de diversas categorias, desde eletrodomésticos até beleza e lazer. Aproveite as promoções de Natal e Black Friday e pague com Ame Digital para ter mais vantagens. Americanas: tudo, a toda hora, em qualquer lugar!

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