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  1. Hace 3 días · The New York Times Best Sellers are up-to-date and authoritative lists of the most popular books in the United States, based on sales in the past week, including fiction, non-fiction, paperbacks ...

  2. 18 de mar. de 2024 · The first-place winner will receive a $2,000 award, online publication, a subscription to Journal of the Month, and— new this year —a writerly Tech Bonus worth up to $500! The second- and third-place finalists will receive $500 and $300, respectively, along with online publication. The 2024 Short Fiction Prize opens on March 18 and closes ...

  3. Hace 6 días · 该文件夹包含一个Python脚本,该脚本与Texas Instruments CC2538,CC26xx和CC13xx SoC(片上系统)的引导加载程序进行通信。 它可以通过一个简单的USB到串行 转换 器来擦除,编程,验证和读取这些SoC的闪存。

  4. Hace 4 días · Pulp Fiction, disponible en Claro Video, es considerada la obra maestra de Quentin Tarantino y una película de culto de los 90s basada en una mezcla de humor, violencia e ironía. Fue elogiada por la crítica y el público por igual debido a su estructura y estilo únicos, solo posibles gracias a su director, Tarantino, querido y adorado por los fans de los blockbusters .

  5. Hace 4 días · But, in practice, their shortlists encompass speculative fiction as a whole, including fantasy—and is considered one of that genre’s most prestigious prizes. Here, Sylvia Bishop offers an overview of this year’s nominees in the ‘Best Novel’ category, which represent the most popular sci-fi and fantasy books of 2023.

  6. Featured on Spotify, ScreenRant, Lifehacker, and the official Dungeons & Dragons podcast Dragon Talk, Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons is regularly in the top 10 comedy fiction podcasts around the globe and ranked #2 of the top 50 fiction podcasts (and #72 of ALL podcasts) on Spotify in the USA. ScreenRant said of the show, "There's nothing better for ...

  7. 19 de ago. de 2020 · La Promessa 27-31 maggio 2024, anticipazioni Anticipazioni La Promessa 27-31 maggio 2024,: prosegue con nuovi imperdibili episodi la soap spagnola in costume in onda in prima visione sulle reti Mediaset. In alternativa alla messa in onda lineare, puoi seguire le puntate della soap in streaming su ...