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  1. Hace 3 días · The Bohr's model of an atom has certain limitations. 1. The theory failed to explain the Zeeman Effect .It is the effect of the magnetic field on the spectra of atoms. 2. It failed to explain the stark effect. It is the effect of an electric field on the spectra of atoms. 3. Bohr was unable to explain the spectra for larger atoms.

  2. Hace 4 días · One such figure is Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist who revolutionized our understanding of the atom and the universe. Born on October 7, 1885, Bohr’s work on quantum mechanics earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. His legacy continues to inspire scientific inquiry and discovery to this day. Renowned Authors

  3. Hace 3 días · En 1921, laborante kun Niels Bohr (kiu postulis, ke elektronoj moviĝis en specifaj orbitoj), Rutherford teoriadis koncerne la ekziston de neŭtronoj, (kiujn li nomis en sia prelego pri la Bakeria Medalo de la Royal Society de 1920), kiuj povis iamaniere kompensi por la forpuŝa efiko de la pozitivaj ŝarĝoj de protonoj kaŭzante allogan nuklean forton kaj tiel konservas la nukleojn de ...

  4. Hace 3 días · The Bohr radius (a0) is a physical constant, approximately equal to the maximum probable distance among the nucleus and the electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state. It is known as after Niels Bohr, due to its position in the Bohr model of an atom. History:

  5. Hace 6 días · 1913: Niels Bohr: Model of the atom; 1915: Albert Einstein: theory of general relativity – also David Hilbert; 1915: Karl Schwarzschild: discovery of the Schwarzschild radius leading to the identification of black holes; 1918: Emmy Noether: Noether's theorem – conditions under which the conservation laws are valid