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  1. ベビーブーマー(英: baby boomers)とは、第二次世界大戦の終結直後に、復員兵の帰還に伴って出生率が上昇した時期1946年から1964年に生まれた世代を指す。 この第二次大戦終結後のベビーブームは日本を含む世界的現象であるが、狭義で「ベビーブーマー」という場合にはアメリカ合衆国での ...

  2. › wiki › Baby_boomerBaby boomer - Wikipedia

    Baby boomer. Con il termine baby boomer (dall' inglese "appartenente al boom demografico dei bebè ") viene comunemente indicata una persona nata in Nord America o in Europa tra il 1946 e il 1964, ovvero durante il periodo dell' esplosione demografica ( boom) avvenuta in quegli anni, noto con il termine inglese "baby boom", [1] che proseguì ...

  3. Baby boomers – pokolenie ludzi urodzonych od roku 1943 /46/47 do roku 1955/60. Jest to pokolenie wyróżnione ze względu na dużą liczbę urodzeń po II wojnie światowej . Roczniki zaliczane do pokolenia baby boomers są pierwszym w skali świata pokoleniem, które licznie dożyło starości i sędziwej starości [2] .

  4. Welcome to the Baby Boomer generation, made up of those Americans born from 1946 to 1964 during the baby boom that followed World War II. Baby Boomers drove the popularity of rock music, folk music, and early television programming. They influenced the country’s attitudes toward drugs and sexual freedom.

  5. 8 de jul. de 2020 · Baby Boomers are staying in the labor force at rates not seen in generations for people their age. The majority of Baby Boomers are still in the labor force: In 2018, 53% of adults ages 54 to 72 were still working or looking for work. short readsJan 17, 2019.

  6. The core of the American hippie movement during the 1960s and ’70s were twentysomethings who belonged to what demographers call the baby-boom generation . This generation, made up of men and women who followed in the footsteps of America’s Silent Generation (born between the early 1920s and about 1942), are known for economic and societal ...

  7. You’ve heard it all before: millennials are lazy, baby boomers are mega-rich and as for Generation Z, they see more of their phone screen than their own family.

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