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  1. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯(英語: David Herbert Lawrence ,通常寫作D. H. Lawrence,1885年9月11日—1930年3月2日),20世紀英國作家。 他是20世紀英語文學中最重要的人物之一,也是最具爭議性的作家之一。 主要成就包括小說、詩歌、戲劇、散文、遊記和書信。

  2. At the time. David Herbert Richards Lawrence was an English writer of the 20th century, whose prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, literary criticism, and personal letters. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of ...

  3. 31 de ago. de 2015 · Introduction. D. H. Lawrence (b. 1885–d. 1930) was born, the fourth of five siblings, in the small mining town of Eastwood, near Nottingham. His father was a collier, who worked a twelve-hour day from the age of seven. Yet from this unlikely background, Lawrence went on to become one of the best-known writers in the English language.

  4. 데이비드 허버트 로렌스 ( 영어: David Herbert Lawrence, 1885년 9월 11일 ~ 1930년 3월 2일 )는 영국 의 소설가, 시인, 문학평론가이다. 광부의 아들로 태어나 노팅엄 대학교 에서 공부하였다. 1911년, 첫 작품 <흰 공작>을 발표한 이후 성 (性)에 대한 소설을 여러 편 써서 ...

  5. 大卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯(英語: David Herbert Lawrence ,通常写作D. H. Lawrence,1885年9月11日—1930年3月2日),20世纪英国作家。 他是20世纪英语文学中最重要的人物之一,也是最具争议性的作家之一。 主要成就包括小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文、游记和书信。

  6. English writer D.H. Lawrence’s prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, and literary criticism. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, human ...

  7. D. H. Lawrence erotikus képeket festett. Ezekből volt egy kiállítás is a londoni Dorothy Warren Galériában 1929 -ben. A kiállítás rendkívül ellentmondásos volt, mivel a mintegy 13 000-es látogató közönség csak értetlenül bámulta a képeket.

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