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  1. 29 de dic. de 2003 · Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. As a lawyer, member of Parliament, and Queen's Counsel, Bacon wrote on questions of law, state and religion, as well as on ...

  2. 28 de abr. de 1992 · Francis Bacon produced some of the most iconic images of wounded and traumatized humanity in post-war art. Borrowing inspiration from Surrealism, film, photography, and the Old Masters, he forged a distinctive style that made him one of the most widely recognized exponents of figurative art in the 1940s and 1950s.

  3. Francis Bacon, 1. wicehrabia St Albans (ur.22 stycznia 1561 w Londynie, zm. 9 kwietnia 1626 w Highgate) znany także jako Bakon Werulamski (ang. Bacon, Lord Verulam) – angielski filozof, jeden z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli filozofii doby odrodzenia i baroku, eseista, polityk oraz prawnik.Uchodzi za jednego z twórców nowożytnej metody naukowej opartej na eksperymencie i indukcji.

  4. The aim of this website is to provide an ever-expanding fund of information on Francis Bacon’s art and life. As of November 2017, this website now contains reference images and information on all 584 numbered works published in Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, 2016, including the exhibition history of each painting.The paintings can be viewed by decade or freely searched.

  5. Leben. Francis Bacons Leben stand unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol und Glücksspiel. Sein Biograph Daniel Farson berichtet von einer Vita zwischen Halb- und Unterwelt: von Verführungen des 15-jährigen Bacon durch Stallburschen in Dublin, von einem geheimen Spielclub in seiner Wohnung, von zwielichtigen Etablissements in Berlin und Paris bis hin zu Bacons Kriegserlebnissen, wo er nach ...

  6. Francis Bacon nació el 22 de enero de 1561 en Londres. Padres Hijo menor de Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord del Sello Privado, y de Ann Cooke Bacon, segunda esposa de Nicholas, que hablaba cinco idiomas y estaba considerada una de las mujeres más ilustradas de su época. Fue educado por su progenitora en los principios del puritanismo calvinista.

  7. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions, portraits of popes, self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures.

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