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  1. Moll Flanders is a 1996 American period drama film starring Robin Wright and Morgan Freeman, loosely based on the 1722 novel of the same name by Daniel Defoe. The film, which vastly differs from the original novel, was written and directed by Pen Densham.

  2. Moll Flanders is a story about the fall and rise of a beautiful woman who was born in Newgate Prison. Because of her determination to be someone other than a servant, and because of her great greed, she sought to marry a wealthy man. She married some with money and some without.

  3. モル・フランダーズ (Moll Flanders) この物語の主人公。. 本来はベティ (Betty)という名だったが、素性を隠すためにロンドンではモル・フランダーズと名乗る。. 生涯において5人の夫と結婚し、2人の男と愛人関係を結ぶ。. 母親は彼女を懐妊している際に窃盗罪 ...

  4. 编辑. 主人公摩尔.弗兰德斯并非生来有罪。. 摩尔善良、真诚,对生活充满了幻想。. 摩尔·弗兰德斯生于新门监狱,母亲是盗窃犯,被流放 弗吉尼亚 。. 她孩提时期被人收养,但她自小希望自立,用诚实的劳动实现“贵妇人”的朴实理想。. 可是她很小就做了 ...

  5. Moll Flanders, Daniel Defoe The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. Who was Born in Newgate Prison, and during a Life of continued Variety for Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife, Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia, at last grew rich, lived Honest, and died a Penitent.

  6. Defoe begins with a preface to Moll Flanders ’s “private History,” in which he concedes that Moll’s story may not be believable to some readers, as many of the characters’ names and circumstances have been concealed. Moll will explain her reasons for hiding her identity in the beginning of her story, but for now, readers must be content with their own opinions about what’s to come.

  7. 摩爾自幼由吉普賽人收養,14時被一名好心的夫人收留,和夫人的女兒一起讀書。. 同住期間,夫人的大兒子誘姦摩爾,不過摩爾最後卻與夫人的小兒子羅賓結婚。. 羅賓死後摩爾與一名商人再婚,但很快摩爾就跟了一名船長到美國,可惜這名船長竟然是摩爾同父 ...

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