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  1. The Harry Crews Online Bibliography Brief Biography. By Damon Sauve. Harry Eugene Crews was born on June 7, 1935, in Bacon County, Georgia, to Ray and Myrtice, who worked a desperate and indigent living farming in dirt-poor southern Georgia. Ray died at 35 leaving a farm and a family Myrtice was incapable of sustaining by herself.

  2. Harry Crews est un romancier américain. Harry Crews s’engage à 17 ans dans le corps des Marines, où il passera trois années. Il intègre ensuite l’université de Floride pour des études d’anglais, qu’il interrompt en 1956 pour une virée de 18 mois en moto à travers les États-Unis.

  3. 4 de feb. de 2005 · Harry Eugene Crews was born in Bacon County on June 7, 1935, the second of two sons. His parents, Myrtice and Ray Crews, were poor tenant farmers barely scratching out a living. After his father died of a heart attack in the middle of the night with Crews, just twenty-two months old, asleep beside him, Myrtice soon married Ray’s brother Pascal.

  4. Recibe novedades de Harry Crews directamente en tu email Quiero recibir sus novedades . Libros de HARRY CREWS. Tapa blanda EL ARTISTA DEL K. O. HARRY CREWS. ver ficha Añadir . Tapa blanda TODO LO QUE NECESITAMOS DEL INFIERNO HARRY CREWS. ver ficha Añadir . Tapa blanda DESNUDO EN GARDEN HILLS

  5. 7 de feb. de 2023 · By John L. Williams. A Preamble. Harry Crews was the last great proponent of the Southern Gothic — possessor of a blazing talent, whether displayed in a dozen fine novels, some outstanding longform journalism or an indelible memoir, A Childhood. This last has just been paid the deserved tribute of reissue as a Penguin Classic.

  6. Harry Crews. A tres meses de cumplir los dieciocho, Eugene Biggs abandona los estudios y la pequeña granja familiar, porque eso es lo que se espera de él. Es lo que la gente del sur de Georgia viene haciendo desde antes de la Gran Depresión: subirse a un autobús de la Greyhound y poner rumbo a Jacksonville, Florida, para ganarse los garbanzos.

  7. Harry Eugene Crews (* 7. Juni 1935 in Bacon County , Georgia ; † 28. März 2012 in Gainesville , Florida ) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller , der bereits durch seinen Debüt roman The Gospel Singer (1968) bekannt wurde und der in seinen teilweise autobiografischen Büchern oftmals düster- groteske Figuren beschrieb sowie als Vertreter der beißend-satirischen Südstaaten -Literatur ...