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  1. Macbeth, Banquo und die Hexen, Illustration der Holinshed Chronicles. Macbeth (englisch The Tragedy of Macbeth) ist eine Tragödie von William Shakespeare.Das Werk handelt vom Aufstieg des königlichen Heerführers Macbeth zum König von Schottland, seinem Wandel zum Königsmörder und weiteren Mordtaten sowie seinem Fall. Shakespeare hat das Werk vermutlich um 1606 fertiggestellt.

  2. Macbeth est une tragédie de William Shakespeare.Elle prend place dans l'Écosse médiévale et retrace de manière très romancée le règne de Macbeth (1040-1057), en s'inspirant de près du récit qu'en fait Raphael Holinshed dans ses Chroniques, parues en 1587.Dévoré d'ambition, le général Macbeth commet le crime de régicide pour s'emparer du pouvoir, poussé par son épouse Lady ...

  3. 左上:遇见女巫;左中:谋杀之后;左下:班柯鬼魂;右上:馬克白;右下:最后的决斗. 《 馬克白 》(英語: Macbeth )是 莎士比亞 最短的 悲劇 ,也是他最受歡迎的作品之一。. 常被認為是他悲劇中最為陰暗、最富震撼力的作品。. 故事的地点设在蘇格蘭,并 ...

  4. Macbeth, King of Scotland. Macbethad mac Findláech ( anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay; died 15 August 1057), nicknamed the Red King ( Middle Irish: Rí Deircc ), [1] was King of Scotland ( Alba) from 1040 until his death. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findláech of Moray and may have been a grandson of ...

  5. The Corrupting Power of Unchecked Ambition. The main theme of Macbeth —the destruction wrought when ambition goes unchecked by moral constraints—finds its most powerful expression in the play’s two main characters. Macbeth is a courageous Scottish general who is not naturally inclined to commit evil deeds, yet he deeply desires power and ...

  6. 『マクベス』( Macbeth )は、1606年頃に成立したウィリアム・シェイクスピアによって書かれた戯曲である。 勇猛果敢だが小心な一面もある将軍マクベスが妻と謀って主君を暗殺し王位に就くが、内面・外面の重圧に耐えきれず錯乱して暴政を行い、貴族や王子らの復讐に倒れる。

  7. Macbeth, now king, has Banquo murdered in an attempt to secure his own position, but Banquo's ghost appears to him at a banquet. A Second Visit. Macbeth visits the witches again. They warn him to beware of Macduff, a noble who has also fled to England, but assure him that he cannot be harmed by any man born of woman.

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