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  1. Popularity of “Thanatopsis”: William Cullen Bryant, a famous American poet, wrote ‘Thanatopsis’. It was first published in 1817 in the North American Review. It is a long, thought-provoking and fascinating poem deals with the subject of death and immortality. Its popularity lies in the fact that it speaks of the love of nature that provides solace and comfort in this world and the ...

  2. 5 de sept. de 2023 · Summary. Last Updated September 5, 2023. “Thanatopsis” means “views on” or “vision of” death in Greek, which alludes to the poem’s content. The poet begins by describing nature ...

  3. 5 de sept. de 2023 · Themes. Last Updated September 5, 2023. "Thanatopsis" is a meditation both on nature, and on the nature of death. The speaker first counsels the reader to be aware of the healing effect that ...

  4. 5 de sept. de 2023 · Analysis. Last Updated September 5, 2023. "Thanatopsis" is a poem written by American romantic poet and journalist William Cullen Bryant. The exact date and time of the poem’s first publication ...

  5. › poems › POEMS Bryant, William Cullen Thanatopsis (1817) analysisWilliam Cullen Bryant - AmerLit

    William Cullen Bryant. (1794-1878) Thanatopsis (1817) To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks A various language; for his gayer hours She has a voice of gladness, and a smile And eloquence of beauty, and she glides Into his darker musings, with a mild And healing sympathy, that steals away Their ...

  6. 10 de sept. de 2020 · Resumen de la lección. ‘Thanatopsis’, de William Cullen Bryant , es un poema de aliento y reverencia por la vida y la muerte. Nos informa del hecho de que todos mueren, sin importar cuán grande o pequeño sea en la vida. Todos compartimos este final y, por lo tanto, debemos aceptarlo como una seguridad final de descanso y comodidad.

  7. Thanatopsis was originally published in September 1817, and later republished in 1821. William Cullen Bryant was a teenager when he wrote this poem. The composition reflects how heavily he was influenced by ‘Graveyard Poetry’. He had a unique perspective on death, one that did not advocate Christian views and beliefs about heaven and hell.