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  1. You _____ interested in reading the news! wern’t. wasn’t. was. weren’t ¡Correcto! ¡Correcto! 2 / 2 pts. Pregunta 6 I _____ born in 1999. weren’t. won't. were. was ¡Correcto! ¡Correcto! 0 / 2 pts. Pregunta 10 The program was really _____. interesting. espuesta correcta espuesta correcta. frustrated. interested. Respondido Respondido.

  2. How do you think the news media will change in the future? Are young and old people interested in the same news content? Do you think it‘s a good idea to teach children to read before they start school?

  3. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic News. 1. Are you interested in news? 2. How do you usually find news? 3. How do your friends get news? 4. Have you read the news this morning? 5. Do you often talk with your friends about the news?

  4. 1. Are you very interested in the news? 2. Why do you want to know the latest news? 3. How important is it to you to get the news every day? 4. What sort of news are you most interested in? 5. How do you usually find this news? 6. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news? 7. Do you ever get your news from the internet? 8.

  5. Below is a list of questions for newspaper that you can get in IELTS Speaking. There is a sample of questions for each part of the test. Two model answers are given at the bottom of the page. Newspapers: Part 1 Questions. How do you usually get your news? How often do you read the newspaper? What type of news do you prefer to read?

  6. Do you prefer to receive yours by reading it, or by listening to the news on the radio, TV or the internet? Do you think newspapers and magazines might one day disappear? What qualifications should a person have to work in a news corporation?

  7. NEWS. Are you very interested in the news? Yes, I’m really fond of getting news from various sources because I just want to make myself better informed about the world. Why do you want to know the latest news?