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  1. Vorticella es un género de protozoos del filo Ciliophora. Son microorganismos unicelulares ciliados de agua dulce eutrofizada, que viven en solitario o en grupos, y se fijan al sustrato con un pedúnculo contráctil. No son patógenos para humanos.

  2. 1 de sept. de 2020 · Therefore, the potential of the larvicidal effect of Vorticella microstoma on different species of mosquito larvae was studied. We found that V. microstoma causes the 100% death of the third instar larvae of Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Giles, 1901) within 48 h of exposure.

  3. › wiki › VorticellaVorticella - Wikipedia

    Vorticella is a genus of bell-shaped ciliates that have stalks to attach themselves to substrates. The stalks have contractile myonemes , allowing them to pull the cell body against substrates. [1] The formation of the stalk happens after the free-swimming stage.

  4. 4 de oct. de 2016 · The Vorticella sp found in the present study showed potential of infection and mortality of An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti mosquito larvae. Being major aquatic living species, Vorticella sp alone can be valuable for devising easy, effective and eco

  5. 17 de may. de 2021 · Vorticella microstoma. Vorticella, a la que propongo el apellido de microstoma. Procedente de muestras de agua tomadas en una pequeña charca en el paraje de Monte el Viejo (proximidades de Palencia) que es el único humedal en una amplia zona y por tanto de vital importancia para su protección.

  6. In this review, we introduce Vorticella as a model biological micromachine for microscale engineering systems. Vorticella has two motile organelles: the oral cilia of the zooid and the contractile spasmoneme in the stalk.

  7. 26 de dic. de 2016 · In this review, we introduce Vorticella as a model biological micromachine for microscale engineering systems. Vorticella has two motile organelles: the oral cilia of the zooid and the contractile spasmoneme in the stalk.