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  1. 22 de mar. de 2018 · Oraciones con «yet» Yet es un adverbio de tiempo en inglés que significa “todavía”, “aún” o “ya”, según el contexto. Se utiliza junto al present perfect para expresar que una acción no se ha hecho todavía, o para preguntar si una acción está pendiente. Por ejemplo: I haven’t finished the report yet. / Todavía no he terminado el informe.

  2. When we use yet in affirmative statements, it shows that a situation is continuing, even when we might expect it not to continue: There’s plenty of time yet. (even though you don’t think so) We’ve got a lot more work to do yet. (even though you think we have finished)

  3. In British English, we use the present perfect with just, already and yet to talk about recent events and actions. We use just in positive sentences to talk about very recent events or actions. She's just won the match. They've just made a big announcement.

  4. We use yet as an adverb to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use it mostly in negative statements or questions in the present perfect. It usually comes in end position: Kevin hasn’t registered for class yet. I haven’t finished my breakfast yet.

  5. Yet used with the present perfect means 'at any time up to now'. We use it to emphasise that we expect something to happen soon. Yet (in this context) is only used in negative sentences and questions.

  6. Utilizamos los adverbios “already”, “just”, “still” y “yet” más a menudo en el presente perfecto, aunque podemos usarlos en otros tiempos verbales. Estos adverbios se utilizan en referencia a tiempo y su posición dentro de la oración depende de cuál de ellos estemos utilizando.

  7. Adverbios y preposiciones que generalmente se usan con el presente perfecto . Nos centraremos en partículas tales como: just, already, yet, for y since.