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  1. Setting up royal marriages with loyal Houses as a reward for good service is the opposite of a bad decision. It ties loyal houses to your own through blood, creates a wider pool of Valyrian blooded houses from which to pick future brides, and shows the rest of the realm what good service could lead to which would lead to more houses ...

  2. There are a bunch of marriages in the GOT universe that could have been but didn't happen for various reasons. In your opinion which would have been the most interesting for you to see? 'Other' option is included in this poll as I'm sure I won't have capture everyones's preferred nearly couple.

  3. Something curious I have noticed about the Baratheon-Targaryen marriages... Writing help! So, I'm writing a story where there is a Baratheon-Targaryen match and wedding, and the couple has issue.

  4. Viserys does not need to marry Arianne, Dorne already has a royal marriage and their nephew will be king. It would be best for Viserys to marry a woman from a secondary house in terms of power to minimize issues with claimants to the throne.

  5. Realistic Arranged Marriages. Fanfic Recommendations Wanted. Fics where the Mc doesn’t have a perfect arranged marriage where they get on with their wife/husband and listen to their counsel. That seems to happen often in Fics and I don’t like it.

  6. One of the subplots in my au Dance of the Dragons fic is that many people found a marriage between two Great Houses during a time of relative peace rather odd or ominous, and that it foreshadowed the bloody events to come.

  7. Royce is a vassal of the Arryns. Why is this OC son asking permission from the king unless he’s planning to marry a Targaryen? Also, Rhea Royce would have a say in his marriage prospects, being the Head of House Royce and current Lady of Runestone.