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  1. Nightcrawler helped Damask kill the Shadow King by utilizing his teleportation powers to bring them into the same dimensional plane as the Shadow King, allowing Damask to slay him. In the aftermath of the battle, with everyone she loved slaughtered by Apocalypse, Destiny agreed to accompany Nightcrawler back to America.

  2. Kurt Wagner is a demonic-looking mutant with teleporting abilities, being known as the soft-hearted X-Man Nightcrawler. He was the secret child of the mutant precog Destiny and the shapeshifting terrorist Mystique, who used the Neyaphem leader Azazel as a genetic template.

  3. Nightcrawler. Kurt Darkholme lived a lonely childhood in the German countryside. He was never allowed to interact with human children, and was never told his demon-like appearance might be jarring to others. With his mother Mystique often gone on secret missions for Magneto, Kurt was left to fend for himself.

  4. Nightcrawler removed one of their most powerful opponents, Apocalypse’s son Genocide, off the board by teleporting the mutant away and unleashing his infernal abilities on his masters. He returned to help thwart Archangel’s plan to purge all life on Earth, but he and his teammates fell in the battle against the formidable villain.

  5. After the events of the Dark Angel Saga, AoA Nightcrawler chooses to remain in the 616 reality and join X-Force. Searching for the Sugar Man, Dark Beast, Iceman and Blob, Kurt promises to "kill the bastards who ruined our lives".

  6. Once back in their own time X-Force was confronted by Archangel and the Four Horsemen, after a long fight Fantomex retreats and get's Gateway to teleport the AOA X-Men to help X-Force, together...

  7. X-Men, X-Calibre (AoA), X-Force Powers -Neomorphic physiology gives him a flexible spine for heightened agility, reflexes and coordination, iridescent eyes, blue velvet fur, three fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot, fangs, pointed ears, and a prehensile tail