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  1. Mutants (Homo superior) are distinguished from baseline humans (Homo sapiens) by their mutant genes. Mutant genes are similar to, and possibly derived from, Deviant genes.

  2. Mutants, despite their human nature, feature many distinctive aspects in biology, physiology and genetics from their evolutionary predecessors, but also within them. Homo superior (Human mutants) possess the X-Gene (mutant gene, [1] X-Factor gene, [2] [3] "mutator gene") [4] positioned on the 23rd...

  3. In American comic books published by Marvel Comics, a mutant is a human being that possesses a genetic trait called the X-gene. It causes the mutant to develop superhuman powers that manifest at puberty. Human mutants are sometimes referred to as a human subspecies Homo sapiens superior or simply Homo superior.

  4. Mutants are a series of enhanced species that possess specific genetic mutations that grants them unique superhuman abilities or distinct physical characteristics. Usually, the term mutants refer to Homo superior, a race that evolved from Homo sapiens.

  5. Mantis. Deadpool. Note: Mutants that were given a Genoshan Mutate number, or used one to conceal their identity were called "Mutates". (See Also: Mutants ( Homo superior)) ↑ Heroic Age: Heroes #1; Dagger 's entry.

  6. En los cómics publicados por la editorial estadounidense Marvel Comics, un mutante es un organismo (generalmente humano) que posee un rasgo genético llamado Gen-X, el cual le permite desarrollar naturalmente poderes y habilidades sobrehumanas.

  7. Los Mutantes ( Homo superior) son una raza de seres que poseen una mutación genética específica. Sin embargo, muchas otras especies, como los Talokaniles, pueden desarrollar mutaciones y esos individuos también se clasificarían como mutantes. Sumario. 1Historia. 1.1Universos alternativos. 1.1.1Tierra-838. 1.1.2X-Men Unidos. 2Mutantes notables.