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  1. › Encyclopedia › CACTIIslaya grandiflorens

    Islaya grandiflorens var. spinosior Rauh & Backeb.: has large yellow flowers and many strong spines. Distribution: Chala, Southern Coast of Arequipa, Peru. Islaya krainziana F.Ritter: has strong somewhat columnar stems that can reach 75 cm high (the taller of the islayas).

  2. Islaya grandiflorens var. spinosior Rauh & Backeb.: has large yellow flowers and many strong spines. Distribution: Chala, Southern Coast of Arequipa, Peru. Islaya krainziana F.Ritter : has strong somewhat columnar stems that can reach 75 cm high (the taller of the islayas).

  3. › Encyclopedia › CACTIIslaya islayensis

    Radial spines: 12 to 22, shorter, radiating, (1-)6-10 mm long. Flowers: Diurnal, wide funnelform, yellow 1,5-2,5 cm long and in diameter (up to 4 cm in the variant known as grandiflora), born on younger areoles from a yellowish woolly crown in summer. Pericarpel and floral tube short scaly.

  4. Flowers: Diurnal, 1,5 - 4 cm long and in diameter, born on younger areoles from a yellowish woolly crown in summer , wide funnelform, yellow, outer perianth segments often reddish, floral tube short with tufts of dense wool and long reddish bristles.

  5. Islaya grandiflorens is native to Chile North and Peru where the plant grows in very dry desert areas or in high rocky cliffs and can spread up to 250 m of altitude. Description: Islaya grandiflorens is an uncommon cactus belonging to the Cactaceae botanical family.

  6. Es originario de los Andes, en las proximidades de la ciudad de Mollendo, departamento de Arequipa, Perú. y zona limítrofe de Chile, aunque en este país actualmente podría estar extinta en hábitat. Es una especie rara en la vida silvestre.

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