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  1. Flinders University is a public research university based in Adelaide, South Australia, with a footprint extending across 11 locations in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Founded in 1966, it was named in honour of British navigator Matthew Flinders , who explored and surveyed the Australian and South Australian coastline ...

  2. Flinders is a leading international university in Australia with a record of excellence and innovation in teaching.

  3. Ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world*, Flinders University is everything a modern university should be – progressive, student-focused, and career-minded. *(THE World University Rankings 2020 as a percentage of the total number of universities in the world according to the International Association of Universities)

  4. Flinders University is a public research university based in Adelaide, South Australia, with a footprint extending across 11 locations in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Founded in 1966, it was named in honour of British navigator Matthew Flinders, who explored and surveyed the Australian and South Australian coastline in the early ...

  5. 50 years of inspiring achievement and counting. About History. Flinders University has developed a remarkable record of achievement across an impressive range of endeavour. Through the diverse efforts of an eclectic cohort of teachers, researchers and graduates, Flinders has exerted a profound and distinctive influence on society and in its ...

  6. Explore a university with a mission to change lives and change the world. Flinders has a vision to be internationally recognised as a world leader in research, an innovator in contemporary education, and the source of Australia’s most enterprising graduates.

  7. 弗林德斯大學 (英語: Flinders University ;簡稱Flinders),是一所1966年設立於澳大利亞 南澳 首府 阿德雷得 的中小型公立 綜合大學 。 「弗林德斯」乃源於19世紀初期,一位航行並探索南澳沿岸的航海家 馬修·弗林達斯 之名。 弗林德斯大學(弗大)的創立宗旨是在科技創新上將有重大發展與貢獻。 弗大是 澳大利亚创新研究大学联盟 的一員;在醫藥、人文的學術排名居 澳大利亚 前10名 [1] 。 同時在 泰晤士高等教育 [2] 與 世界大学学术排名 [3] 躋身全球前400大。 历史. 弗林德斯大學乃於1966年3月25日由英國女王 伊莉沙白二世 之母—— 皇太后伊利沙伯 於 阿德萊德大學 當時的「貝德佛公園分校」所揭幕開辦。